The Panel Interview


4 Mistakes to Steer Clear From when Attempting UCAT

What does the UCAT Exam entail?

How To Not Struggle with Confidence in Your Dentistry Interviews

Defining the Stages of Getting into Dental School
Which University Is Best For Dentistry?
How To Get A Dentistry Interview

What makes a good Dentist?
As a dentist, your role as a member of the healthcare team is extremely varied from having to carry out treatments in a very small space using sharp, precise instruments, to having to deal with difficult patients, to educating the public about the systemic, as well as oral health. In this article, I am not only going to explain to you some of the most important skills and attributes of a dentist, but also why these are so important. Additionally, I’m going to give you some examples and explain how you can develop and show evidence of these skills; this will become invaluable later on in the application process, especially in the personal statement and your interviews.

What Makes A Good Dentistry Personal Statement?
What makes a good Dentistry Personal Statement?
Writing the personal statement is no easy feat, as it must encapsulate your personality, interest, and motivation to study dentistry. However, this does not mean that it can’t be done successfully; with the right guidance (and all the other articles on our site), you’ll have your final draft written in no time!

What Is A Good UCAT Score For Dentistry?
UK leading UCAT tutor discusses what a good UCAT score is for dentistry applications. Learn about top scores, cut off scores and how each University will judge your UCAT score.

Why Dentistry and not Medicine?
10 Essential Tips For Your Upcoming Dentistry Interview

How to ACE your dental school interview
Mastering The BMAT Assessment - The Complete Guide 2020
This article talks about how to master the BMAT and why all Dental School applicants should consider this.

How I secured 4/4 Dentistry Offers?
Learn how to boost your chances of gaining four dentistry offers. Insight from a successful student!

Manual Dexterity For Dentistry Applicants : Important Considerations
This article discusses why manual dexterity is relevant to all dental applicants. Learn more about this now.

2021 Dentistry applicants, how to maximise time at home!
This article shares how to maximise your time at home to boost your dental school application