Your Dentistry Offer for Dental Applicants
How Will I Receive My Offer?
Usually, UCAS will be in touch via email or letter once you have at least one offer. This should be updated and indicated in UCAS Track.
Offers can be subdivided into either unconditional or conditional, you will only receive one outcome :
Unconditional offers
This means that you have met all the academic and non-academic requirements and performed suitably well in the interview that the university will accept you based on your current status.
Conditional offers
This means that the University will offer you a place to entry on the CONDITION that you meet their acaedmic requirements i.e. AAA at A-Level in the subjects they have specified . Once you have met these requirements and accepted this place, your offer will become unconditional.
When will I hear?
Each university has their own timeline for releasing offers. It is recommended that you carefully read all correspondence to keep informed and if needed contact the university for further information. Glasgow and Sheffield universities state that applicants will be informed of their outcome by the end of March.
How Do I Respond To My Offer
Congratulations if you have received an offer! These offers should be visible in UCAS via the Track system. Ensure you are aware of the offer deadline by which you must reply before to accept this offer.
Once you have gained an offer or offers, there are three options:
Firm acceptance
By firming an offer, you are committing to this University as your first/preferred option. ( Note that only one University can be firmed).
Insurance acceptance (optional)
If you have been fortunate enough to gain more than one University offer, then you have a choice to choose an insurance. It is most likely that your offer to study Dentistry will be conditional on your attaining the academic requirements on results day. As such, if your firmed acceptance choice is a conditional offer, you are able to accept another offer (conditional or unconditional) as an insurance. This functions as a backup in the event you are unable to meet the conditions of your firm acceptance. It’s important to realise, however, that usually with Dentistry offers the academic conditions are usually similar. (Note there is only one insurance available)
Once you have made your selection for firm acceptance (and the optional insurance acceptance), you must decline all remaining offers.
What to do if I have no offers to study Dentistry?
It’s very important to realise that this is not the end of your journey to Dentistry. With Dentistry being very competitive there is a high chance that you may fall in this category.