Detailed Dentistry Experience Course
| Best Online Dentistry Experience Course
Gain exclusive access for just £9.99 | Free Access To Bursary Members (click here to see if you’re eligible)
Join Our Dentistry Experience Course
We’ve put together this exclusive online course to help NEW Dentistry applicants develop a greater understanding of what a career in dentistry involves.
The course does not substitute traditional dentistry work experience but serves as a useful resource to turn to during COVID-19, with many dental clinics closed.
How It Works?
Sign Up To Get Immediate Access To Our Online Course ( This is a virtual experience)
Follow The Online Video Tutorial and Modules ( You have 12 months unlimited access, all tutorials can be paused, stopped and played again)
Complete the course and reflection
Optional Certificate of completion can be purchased. Please note this certificate is not mandatory for university entrance.
Why Use Our Course
Detailed Insight
Use our ‘Dentistry Experience’ course to attain insight and information related to a career in Dentistry.
Our course has been designed for future dentistry applicants wishing to pursue a future in Dentistry.
In order to ensure equality, the complete course is free to bursary members .
Gain Certificate Of Attendance
After completing the course, we encourage you to reflect on what you have learnt and how this has increased your awareness of Dentistry.
Use this course as part of you research into whether a career in Dentistry is for you.
Engaging Tutorials
We have worked with our talented team of UK students to create factually relevant content. In these tutorials you will cover basics information that would be encountered during dental work experience including common clinical procedures, tools and equipment used, information about NHS and private dentistry, how dental disease occurs and the dental team.
Learn From Home
Learn from the comfort of your own home and learn at your own pace.
We have designed this course due to work experience being cancelled for many due to COVID-19. As such, we advise using this as part of several resources to develop a deeper understanding of the career.

Sign up for instant access
New members £9.99 | Bursary members FREE ( click here to see if you’re eligible)
Topics Covered In The Course
The history of Dentistry
The wider dental team
Qualities, attributes and values of a dentist
Roles of dentists (including different dental specialities)
NHS & private dental care
The General Dental Council & British Dental Association
Patient confidentiality
Health & safety in Dentistry
Infection control in Dentistry
Fluoride and oral health care
Basics of dental disease - caries, gingivitis & periodontitis
Common restorative materials
Root canal treatment
Dental extractions
Dental Fixed & removable prosthetics: Crowns,Veneer, Bridge &Dentures
Cosmetic dentistry
Dental technology
Dental anxiety