4th year dental student Sneha Chotaliya discusses her pathway to Bristol Dental School and her experience so far.


Hi I’m Sneha.

Hi, my name is Sneha Chotaliya. I am currently in my fourth year studying dentistry at the University of Bristol. I am originally from Leicester where I studied my GCSE and A-Levels. I obtained 10 A* and 1 A at GCSEs. A-Levels, I achieved 5 A grades for my AS-Level and 3A* for my A-Levels.


 I obtained 10 A* and 1 A at GCSEs. For my GCSEs, I chose the subjects that were needed for applying to Dentistry, as well as subjects that I really enjoyed. For example, I studied Drama which was very different to the rest of the academic subjects. At A-Levels, I achieved 5 A grades for my AS-Level and 3A* for my A-Levels. I studied biology, chemistry and maths, out of which biology and chemistry are required for entry into dentistry. Only three subjects are considered for entry into Bristol. When choosing your subjects, it is good to consider the subjects you enjoy and are particularly good at. Consulting your teachers, tutors and mentors can help you to figure out what is best for you. . 

My university choices and why I choose Bristol

I applied to Bristol, Birmingham, Leeds and Liverpool. I considered the location and teaching styles of each university before picking these options. I decided to choose Bristol from these four due to the very deep pre-clinical education that it offered. It also has a very extensive community teaching element where students can see patients in different community settings which prepares students well for future practise. It is also a globally well-reputed university for conducting cutting-edge research and allows students to get involved if they are interested in pursuing a career in academic dentistry. Furthermore, Bristol is a beautiful green city with many tourist attractions and things to do. Five years is a long time and you will be there for much longer than most of the undergraduate students you will start with. Thus, living in a city you love really matters! 

In Bristol, the curriculum has recently changed which means that students in year 1 now have patient exposure very early on. Most of the teaching is based around the Clinical Skills Lab and patient clinics supported by lectures and small group tutorials. In fourth year, we learn advanced dental restorative techniques, and regularly see patients that need partial or complete dentures, restorative work, extractions, radiographs, root canal treatments, fillings and much more! The BDS21 curriculum which started in September 2019, includes the same content, but you will start doing some of this complex work a bit earlier. 

What my year involves

In my year there are around 70 students. We are all placed into clinical pairs, so that whilst you see a patient, your partner assists for you, and vice versa. There will be around 8 students in a clinical group. You will attend tutorials and go through clinical department rotations in these groups too. Your clinical group literally becomes your family! 

The challenges of being a student

Being a dental student is challenging but simultaneously really rewarding. There is a heavy workload and you will most probably be working harder compared to other undergraduate students. Your timetable will also be much busier with compulsory sessions and clinics. You will probably be in university from 9am (or the occasional 8am) to 5pm every day except Wednesday afternoons. However, believe it or not, this is part of the fun!

Whilst at dental school, I have learnt to manage my time well. Despite the pressures of studying, I make time to visit my family and friends back at home every few weeks and connect with them a few times a week through video call. I have also volunteered as a lead in BAPS (a global socio-spiritual organisation) youth forum throughout my time at dental school. I also like spend time on my fitness, health and well-being by attending the gym several times a week, go for morning runs with my friends and cook my dinner every evening. In the earlier years I had more time for joining societies of my choice. I have also managed to keep up my hobbies of drawing, learning instruments, reading and climbing in my free time. Bristol dental school hold regular Pilates, yoga and Zumba classes during lunch times dedicated entirely for the well-being of staff and students. There are many social events throughout the year, organised by the dental society to allow you to get to know students in other years.

Future ambitions

In the future, I think I want to undergo specialist training and conduct research, yet I have not decided which area of dentistry this would be yet. I want to explore all my options and get a better flavour of each area first. I think my favourite areas of dentistry currently are oral medicine and pathology, and oral surgery.

“Attend the open days to explore the university and the city. This will help you get a feel of the university and allow you to speak to current students.”

— Sneha

Tips for future applicants:

  1. Attend the open days in person or virtually to explore the university and the city. This will help you get a feel of the university and allow you to speak to current students

  2. Carefully read the updated entry requirements to make sure you have ticked all the boxes! This will maximise your chances of getting in

  3. The purpose of the interview is to get to know you, so try to relax and be yourself. If you want to prepare at all then try to improve your communication skills through conversations with many people. Remember some part-time work/volunteering will help you develop these useful transferable communication skills 

  4. Focus on your grades too! Students who may have got offers missed out on their place for not achieving the required grades for admission!

  5. You may be very stressed and anxious on the interview day. But keep calm and composed, and make sure you read what is required of you very carefully in the multiple mini interview stations!

  6. Practice as much as you can for the UCAT! There are many beneficial resources available. 

Good luck!